Saturday night! OMG!!
me and my cousin snuck out of the house at like 7.30
and wii went around in her electric power bike til like... 11.30? ^^,
heeheehee 4 hours :L:L it was fun as, she borrowed a outfit of mine
and i jus got watever that was on the top and wore it -->
wii even past this really way area, kinda like red light district type...
and omg creepy.. so many stares wen wii rode past
and some whistled and screamed..... gahhhh scaryy shit TTATT
even wen wii went to get drinks and shit ... stares....... and more stares.....
at the "now zone" shizz, hug as shop, i dude tried to talk to us
but wii were like .... ^^ and walked anyway LOLOLOL
he got shamed hard out infront of his so called friends L:L
wii went to this restaurant call Lotteria
and wii sat there talking bout our love life
and lil... found out that my cousin that i thought was a "good girl"
had 7 boyfriends already :L:L weird XD
but it was hell offa day out :L:L
jus us two riding around saigon flipping awesome as :L:L
man,i looked like a totaly emo chick with my hair al over my face
with mascara, eyeliner, black eye shadow, hard out pink lipstick
and dark coloured clothes with dark shoes and punkyy braclet
but faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh it was fun :L
wii talked bout ur love life the hole night
right to lik 2 in the morning :L:L
wen i talked to her, it kinda made mii notice
that the distance between mii and lan is even further then i thought
and that i dont think he even knows bout how im feeling atm ^^
lolz thats all for today i guess
hopefull i got shiz to talk bout tmrw :L:L
edit of foto ^^: